WhatsApp has introduced a new feature in its latest beta update for Android (version, allowing users to easily share and follow WhatsApp channels via QR codes.
This update makes it more convenient for users to discover and join channels by simply scanning a code instead of copying and pasting links.
With this feature, channel owners can now generate a unique QR code for their channel. Once generated, they can share it digitally or physically, for example, through messages, flyers, business cards, posters, and even product packaging.
By scanning the QR code, users will be directed to the channel and can follow it with just one tap, making the process quicker and simpler.
This new addition makes it especially useful for face-to-face interactions, where users can scan a QR code directly from a device screen, eliminating the need for manual link entry. It's also an effective tool for businesses aiming to promote their channels in real life.
To access the QR code feature, channel owners can open their channel's sharing options from the top app bar. The option to create the QR code will then appear, which can be shared across WhatsApp or through other messaging apps.
The generated QR code can also be printed and used for physical promotions, giving users and businesses more flexibility in promoting their channels.
Currently, the QR code feature is available to select beta testers on WhatsApp for both Android and iOS. It's expected that this feature will roll out to a broader audience in the coming weeks, as WhatsApp continues to enhance its channels feature.
Alongside this update, WhatsApp is also testing additional features, including sharing entire sticker packs, a 'Search on the web' image lookup tool, and cross-device contact management.
As WhatsApp continues to improve its Channels feature, the introduction of QR codes is set to further simplify how users can share and discover content on the platform.
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