WhatsApp has introduced a subtle yet controversial change to its messaging interface, replacing the familiar "typing..." message with a new animated speech bubble. The update, which users claim has been rolled out without much fanfare, has sparked outrage, with many expressing frustration over the new feature.
The previous "typing..." indicator, which typically appeared at the top of a chat, has been replaced with a dynamic chat bubble animation that pops up below the most recent message. While the change may seem minor, it has quickly become a source of discontent for some users, with many finding it "annoying" and "unnecessary."
On social media, WhatsApp users have been vocal in their criticism. One user on X (formerly Twitter) said, "Not a fan of the new typing indicator on WhatsApp," while another commented, "WhatsApp now has the three dots typing thing like iMessage and I HATE it." The new feature has been likened to the typing indicator seen in Apple’s iMessage app.
Some users have gone even further, claiming the new animation is "purposely designed to give me anxiety," with one adding that it creates unnecessary pressure during conversations.
The change, which is likely to be rolled out to all users in the coming days, marks another shift in the app’s interface. Although the update may be intended to improve the user experience, the overwhelming reaction suggests that many WhatsApp users are far from impressed.
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